"Girl Meets World" continues to dominate the small screens, as the Disney comedy will be presenting a follow-up of its three-part Halloween special in the upcoming episode titled, "Girl Meets World: Of Terror 2." While the show was based on the 1993 series, "Boy Meets World," will the upcoming episodes of the show no longer reference to its predecessor and cater to the younger generation?
Warning: Spoilers ahead! Read on if you want to learn more about the details of this story.
"Girl Meets World" Season 2 Episode 18 titled, "Girl Meets World: Of Terror 2" will be the show's continuation of its three-part Halloween special. The official synopsis of the upcoming episode from Carter Matt hints that fans and viewers will see Riley (Rowan Blanchard) and Maya (Sabrina Carpenter) travel back to the 1920s.
"Riley and Maya meet the ghost of the bay window, who happens to be a flapper girl from the 1920s," the official synopsis reads.
The upcoming episode of "Girl Meets World" will also feature Ross Lynch and Laura Marano from the Disney show, "Austin & Ally." Lynch and Marano will be playing their roles from their show, Austin Moon and Ally Dawson, respectively.
The outlet noted that the show's official synopsis for the upcoming episode seemingly caters to the younger generation. While the show was based on the hit comedy series, "Boy Meets World" and has been making references to the show from time-to-time, the publication noted that upcoming episode "seems to be designed a little more with the thought in mind that it can appeal to some of the new-age fans."
Meanwhile, International Business Times stated that the upcoming episode of the Disney series will also feature a dance performance from Riley, Maya, Austin and Ally while they are under the spell of the flapper ghost.
"Girl Meets World" Season 2 Episode 18 airs on Friday, Oct. 2 on Disney.