HBO 'Westworld': Actors Signed Nudity Clause; Series has More Nude and Sexy Scenes than 'Game of Thrones'

Nudity is nothing new for HBO fans, although a new series entitled "Westworld" will possibly have more nudity, and this could even mean a whole lot more.

Hollywood Reporter reported, minor characters were also asked to sign a nudity and sex form clause a few days ago explaining that they "may be required to perform genital-to-genital touching, simulate oral sex with hand-to-genital touching, contort to form a table-like shape while being fully nude, pose on all fours while others who are fully nude ride on your back, [and] ride on someone's back while you are both fully nude."​

If that is not insufficient, the contract also stated, as if that's not enough, performers may also "have their genitals painted, a catchall phrase stipulates that the actor may be asked to perform "​other assorted acts the project may require.​" The contract's demands are so far previous what normally minor characters do, the directors and showrunners of "Westworld" went up to the average of $157-a-day union to $600 pay rate.

The filming started on Wednesday, with more 50 minor characters are in "graphic sexual situations," on the set.

On the other hand, the Screen Actors Guild reacted negatively on the nudity clause; the group said it did not respect the rights of the actors during sex scenes.

"It's important that performers understand their rights," Pamela Greenwalt, SAG spokesman said. "Employers should not be requiring performers to sign consent forms that do not accurately describe their rights under the collective-bargaining agreement."

Greenwalt added that extras are free to retract consent anytime they feel like it, along with the right to prohibition of still photography and close set during nude scenes.

The story of "Westworld" is adapted from the 1973 of Michael Crichton film, which starred Yul Brynner and James Brolin.

On Wednesday, HBO officials clarified that the clause was given out by the casting agency and they did not permit it. HBO explained to Deadline Hollywood, "We are rectifying immediately the discrepancies in this vendor's document with our actual on-set practices, which provide a professional and comfortable working environment for all performers."

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