'Teen Titans' Update: DC Comics is Bringing Back the Original Sidekicks in its Universe; Introducing ‘Titan Hunt’ series

DC Comics is trying to bring back the Teen Titans in its own universe. It is always believed that this group of young sidekicks is very promising in the world of comics, thus the coming of "Titan Hunt" series.

Kotaku says "the 'Teen Titans' was one of the best concepts in the long, intricate history of DC Comics." The great mistake that Dc committed was when they'd decided to change it universe yet the "best iteration of the Teen Titans never existed."

To do a little backtrack, it has been noted that DC's New 52 reboot in 2011 has removed the "Teen Titans" in the face of DC Universe. Having these superheroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, in their younger selves- the so called "across-the-board de-aging"- absolutely killed the idea of having sidekicks. "It didn't really make sense that they'd be mentoring anyone if they hadn't established themselves yet."

Even without admitting it, DC knows that publishing the sidekicks' comics as part of the New 52 offering was a huge mistake. "Many fans called it the worst execution of the Teen Titans concept ever and the title has been relaunched twice with new directions that have failed to capture the energy of its pre-New 52 predecessors."

Now that DC Comics has realized the massive mistake they had committed, they're trying to fix and bring back the "Teen Titans" to life. Although, not the original concept, but at least pretty much like it, since it follows the classic plot line of the young titans.

So now comes the birth of "Titan Hunt." Bleeding Cool reveals some spoilers of this new series. The roster of these young sidekicks is confirmed through the cover of the comic book.

Similarly, Newsarama has enumerated the names of the sidekicks that would appear in the first issue of "Titan Hunt" series. Spoilers suggest that there's a mystery that connects Roy Harper, Dick Grayson, Garth of Atlantis, and Donna Troy.

It says that there's "a secret past, one tied to the Titans' history that was seemingly erased in the post-Flashpoint DC Universe,"which will be revealed in the "Convergence."

Are you excited for the new series of "Teen Titans?" Do you have predictions for the first issue, "Convergence," of "Titan Hunt?"

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