'Gotham' Season 2 Episode 8 Review: High Level of Thrills & Volatility; Episode 9 Spoilers, Gotham Meets Biggest Villains

"Gotham" season 2 episode 8 gets positive reviews from its critics. Many viewers think that "Tonight's The Night" has high levels of thrills and volatility. Audience could not anticipate what's about to happen next. The thrill starts to sizzle, and things are pretty exciting for episode 9 since the city is about to meet the biggest villains.

Den of Geek reports that "Tonight's The Night" episode of "Gotham" marks as the best episodes of the TV series. If noted, there are only 4 episodes that stood out prior to episode 8, one is the mob war episode of season 1, and the Jerome trilogy of this season.

The report says that though Barbara's invitation of Jim was part of Theo Galavan's plan to distract the detective, but how Barbara enacted her wedding illusion is so unnerving. Truly, the creepy nuptial had "its unsettling style." Den of Geek also adds that "Stylistically, this episode stood out from the crowd. We got another glimpse of the Gotham Bridge - one of the most comic book-y locales of the series. We saw Bullock using a creaking old cassette player, reiterating Gotham's era-less mise-en-scene for the first time in a while."

In episode 8 of "Gotham," Bruce Wayne had also his own moment as he was torn between two things: Not to sell his company's share and many people will suffer, or sell his share to Theo Galavan and people will be saved plus he will know who killed his parents and yet lose the legacy.

It is in this episode of "Gotham" that Bruce Wayne had a "stellar dialogue" with his trusty butler cum legal guardian Alfred. Their discussion "of the moral duty of his parents' legacy, the blurred lines between negotiation and extortion, the timeline of his quest to clean up Wayne Enterprises, and the emotional consequences that all of this has already had on Master Bruce" was very touching and very well performed.

The irony of "Gotham's" "Tonight's The Night" is that it began with Barbara dreaming of her wedding day with Jim. But as she carried out the plan of Theo Galavan, everything boiled down to a terrifying ending, as reported by EW.

But episode 8's ending is not the end of Gotham's nightmare; in fact it is just the beginning. Episode 9, titled "Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow" trailer gives its fans sneak peek of what's about to come in "Gotham." Nygma's giving in to his insanity should be something to look forward to.

Ace Showbiz says that Edward Nygma will take center stage in the upcoming episode of "Gotham" season 2. According to the report, Nygma's Dissociative identity disorder gets worsen. He is now having a good time as he gets away with murder plus Penguin on his side helping him kidnap people.

How do you rate episode 8 and what is your expectation of "Gotham" season 2 episode 9? Share with us your thoughts.

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