'Call of Duty Black Ops 3' Massive Patch Nerfed and Buffed Some Weapons

"Call of Duty Black Ops 3" like any other AAA games is not immune to bugs or things in game that need fixing. Update Version made available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One earlier this month. But not all patch comes with fixes. This update got some weapons nerfed.

This update for "Call of Duty Black Ops 3" was released shortly after the game was released on Nov. 6, according to Tech Times, some of the weapons were found out to be too powerful therefore the game could become out of balance. But the good news is that not all the nerfed guns decreased or lost their strong impact, some of them got the ammunition in a single clip lowered. On the other hand, there are also weapons that have been buffed.

According to Gamer-Buzz, the massive patch was over 2GB in size for PS4 and Xbox One. While Treyarch reportedly did not elaborated in full detail the changes that were made to weapons. The patch notes indicated changes like, Haymaker 12 shotgun got its fire rate and damage range slightly reduced and BRM light machine gun got its ADS speed slightly reduced as well.

The Gorgon in "Call of Duty Black Ops 3" also had its clip size reduced from 50 to 40, ADS time has been slowed down. It no longer deals extra damage to vehicles without FMJ while recoil and hip-fire spread were increased. The L-CAR 9 had its close damage range slightly reduced.

As for the buffed weapons, the dingo was updated to have increased ability to control recoil and KRM-262 was given increased lethal range. The Argus also had its ADS time and close range damage increased. Those are just some of the changes brought by the latest "Call of Duty Black Ops 3" patch.

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