"The Flash" Season 2 Episode 10 entitled "Potential Energy" will focus more on Zoom and Earth 2. The same season will also feature both Dr. Caitlin Snow's (Danielle Panabaker) alter ego, Killer Frost, and Reverse-flash.
Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) has been introduced and The CW hit tv series released promos showing that West will become the newest member of Team Flash. Other than that, fans are still figuring out the true identity of Zoom. Just like what he did with Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), the black-masked villain is determined to steal Barry's speed, according to International Business Times. The site also mentioned that the villain got help from Dr. Harrison Wells of Earth 2 (Tom Cavanaugh) after he blackmailed him.
This parallel world, known as Earth 2, has not yet been featured so much in the show, just some flashbacks of Jay and Dr. Harrison. In the teaser video, Jay's voice will be heard saying "up is down, black is white. Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way." This must be some sort of a warning to the team. In Earth 2, everything was opposite which leads to a speculation that maybe the gang is going to "another" Earth.
Meanwhile, a glimpse of Dr. Caitlin's alter ego Killer Frost can be seen in the promo "Everything will Change." Christian Post cited that in the trailer, Killer Frost was heard saying that being bad is much more fun. It will be interesting to know which side of Dr. Snow will be shown on which world. Would it be in Earth-1 or Earth-2?
Another highlight from the promo trailer is Reverse-Flash or Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) coming back. The character may be different this time around after being killed in the "The Flash" season 1.. His appearance will be during "The Flash" season 2 episode 11 entitled "The Reverse-Flash Returns."
"The Flash" season 2 episode 10 entitled "Potential Energy" will air on Jan. 19 on The CW after its winter hiatus.