Christoph Waltz And James Corden In The Latest ‘Clash Of Clans’ Latest Commercial Star

We'll just come right out and say it: "Clash of Clans" is an unbelievably popular phenomenon. And how it shows: this time in the form of big-time personalities Christoph Waltz and James Corden promoting Supercell's widely-successful portable video game via a video commercial.

The commercial, elegantly called "Clash of Clans: The Legend of the Last Lava Pup," begins innocently enough: The Gospel Herald reports that the opening starts with a scene in which we see James Corden in his bed focused on his tablet, probably playing "Clash of Clans" himself. We then see Chris Waltz come in and tell his son a bedtime story: a story about a powerful father and his "chubby pup of a son." We see Corden considering this and gathering his thoughts, as Waltz reveals to a presumably introspecting "son" that the story is called "The Legend of the Last Lava Pup." Now, while that title may take a leap of fantastical imagination to parse and process, it is not without substance. The events in the supposed "bedtime story" are actually inspired from a true-to-life game play instance from "Clash of Clans."

In fact, it is one of many. Supercell has revealed, as part of a promotional campaign, that they will collect stories from players worldwide and put them all in one place which they call the "Clash Archivery." This will serve as a kind of repository for true tales of "Clash of Clans" gameplay collected from various sites, communities, forums, and subreddits. If you're curious for the particular story that inspired "The Last Lava Pup", well, High Nobiety notes that it is about a lone lava pup and his heroic tale of survival, adventure, and "taking out Town Halls." Mild chuckles for that one.

Supercell's continued success are apparent in that this isn't the first instance they enlisted big-time personalities to promote material. Fans may remember Liam Neeson (of "Taken" fame) doing his best to channel Bryan Mills once more, this time with the intent of taking revenge against a certain BigBuffetBoy85. Well, with SuperBowl around the corner, it wouldn't be surprising to see another entertaining marketing campaign for "Clash of Clans" soon.

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