Yosemite Changes Hotel Name Due to Trademark Issues

Several landmarks and a luxurious hotel in Yosemite National Park will soon be known with new names, as there is an ongoing legal trademark battle on intellectual property rights.

The Ahwahnee Hotel and Curry Village at Yosemite National Park will be changing its name to Majestic Yosemite Hotel and Half Dome Village, respectively, Yahoo reports. The move was made after Delaware North lost a $2 billion bid that would have renewed its contract to operate Yosemite's facilities such as the hotel, restaurants and outdoor activities.

Delaware North reportedly applied for the trademark for the names "when it prepared to open bids for the concessionary operation." This includes the name used by the park itself, Yosemite National Park.

In the company's lawsuit, Delaware North demanded $51 million for the use of the names at Yosemite National Park, according to the same report. The park's spokesperson Scott Gediman stated that they are currently in a legal battle with the company for the rights of the park's name and other iconic landmarks. "We're clearly in disagreement with Delaware North. We're taking this action to ensure the seamless transition," he stated.

Aramark, the company which Yosemite awarded the 15-year contract to, is set to begin their operation of Yosemite facilities on March 1. Gediman explained that the decision to change the names is in line with Aramark's transition as the new concessionaire. The move would also avoid potential disruptions in hotel bookings for visitors. He also indicated that while other park facilities and landmarks may soon change its name, Yosemite National Park will be retained. However, the park's name is also included in the Delaware North trademark dispute.

Meanwhile, one of the steps that the court is expected to make would be to assess the validity of Delaware North's trademark claim, according to a Los Angeles Times report. This includes reviewing whether the $51 million intellectual property payment that the company demanded is legitimate. Initial assessment made by the government has pegged the intellectual property to be around $3.5 million.

Other Yosemite landmarks to be affected by the name change include the Yosemite Lodge at the Falls, which will be renamed Yosemite Valley Lodge; the Wawona Hotel, which will be renamed Big Trees Lodge; and the Badger Pass Ski Area, which will be known as Yosemite Ski & Snowboard Area.

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