Home Cleaning: Tips for Organizing Your Kids’ Room and Teaching them to Clean on their Own

Your kids' room may be one of the messiest and dirtiest rooms at home, especially if you leave them on their own in just a couple of minutes (or even seconds). How can you quickly organize their room and teach them how to clean on their own?

Teaching your children the value of making their beds and cleaning their rooms are two of the most important things you can impart with them as they grow up. It may be taken as one of their earliest responsibilities in life, as you can teach them that their own room is their sole responsibility.

However, doing this does not seem as easy as it sounds. Your kids' room may sometimes look like a battlefield, especially when they bring out all of their toys at once or if they bring food and outside items inside their rooms.

How Does She listed five easy steps to help your kids understand and learn how to clean and organize their own room.

Taking your kids' age into consideration, the publication noted on the significance of giving them just two options in every step. The first step only entails clearing the bed of anything other than the sheets and the pillows and making them afterwards.

This will leave you will some stuff on the floor. Next, you need to ask your kids to pick up all the clothes from the floor and place it on the bed. This step, again, leaves them with just two options: clothes and non-clothes.

Third: items that belong inside the room and those that do not. Give your kids baskets to use to sort the items on the floor. You can give them a couple of baskets if there are a lot of items left on the floor.

Real Simple, however, noted that there might be some things that need to be tossed out for good instead of keeping them stored inside baskets and closets.

According to the publication, broken toys, worn-down crayons and those items that are no longer fulfilling their purpose are better tossed out than creating unnecessary clutter at home.

After clearing out the floor, the last step would be to separate the clean clothes from the ones that are already dirty.

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