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Realty News: What Happens At Credit Counseling, Is Debt Management Program For Everyone?

Credit counseling is one step that people with unmanageable debts are often considering. However, it is worth knowing that your debts won't disappear simply because you signed up for credit counseling. In fact, it is also possible for people to not qualify for a debt management plans even if they go for credit counseling. Debt management plans are programs that will consolidate a person's bills into one manageable monthly payment.

Realty News: Buying Residential Properties With Co Signers

There are those times when a little help is needed in accomplishing things, and this includes home buying and mortgage application. Co signing someone's loan is a very big responsibility primarily because of the risk that things can go the wrong way. Here are some of the things that you should know in using or being a co signer in a mortgage:

Realty News: What To Expect After Filing For Bankruptcy

Fed up with phone calls that pressure you to pay your dues? Tired of worrying about your debts? Filing for bankruptcy may be the solution to your problems! Well, not in its entirety. Filing for bankruptcy also comes with its own set of consequences, and these consequences are worth knowing so you would know how this step could impact your future financial stability.
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