Buy & Sell

Is the Decline in the Global Commercial Property Signaling the End of Canada's Commerical Property Boom?

Could it be the end of Canada's commercial property boom? In a previous report, it was said that Calgary could expect to sell fewer homes and at lower prices this 2016, with CREB President Cliff Stevenson's reportedly telling reporter that this year is going to surely be a buyer's market.

2016 Trends in Louisville Real Estate

Real estate markets vary from state to state. As the New Year begins to settle in, many are left wondering what 2016 will be like for each state's real estate. In Louisville, Kentucky, many home buyers are ready purchase, but are left wondering if there will be enough prospects to choose from.

Canada Real Estate: Vancouver High Real Estate Price Means No Park and Ride For Commuters

This is a disadvantage commuters find challenging. In Canada, life is luxurious and the real estate market is booming but not everyone is celebrating as it certainly comes with challenges, aside from the nearly impossible real estate prices.
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