Buy & Sell

Real Estate Advice: Open House Mistakes that You are Making

Open houses are one of the many ways for you to be able to sell your house and receive some offers. However, there are mistakes that people are committing without them fully knowing it, or they just preferred to not mind.

Home Buying Tips: Important Things to Ask the Neighbors before Home Purchase

If you have been searching for a place and seemed to have already found one, it would be nice to check the place thoroughly. By the word thorough, it would not only mean physically inspect every corners of the house. It likewise suggests asking some question on people living around the property that you wanted to buy.

Real Estate Tip: Negotiating Rent Rate Hike

A tenant can negotiate terms when a rent rate spiked up due to the market's volatility. If a certain tenant has been renting a housing units for years for a certain amount and the landlord / lady decided to increase the rent rates due to the changes in the market, does the tenant has any option or recourse other than looking for another place to stay? According to an article in sacbee.
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