Buy & Sell

5 Rookie Mistakes That Hurt Home Buyers

We are all guilty of buying things that later make us regret: a $200 electronic toothbrush, that floral designer coat, or odd-flavored candies and chips. But when it comes to buying a home, you can't just go and say "I hope I made a better choice!"

5 Ways To Save Money On Your Move And Move In

Buying a home and moving both come as major costs; there's just no going around it. However, with some negotiation skills, special deal insights, and a little effort, you can make the experience a lot less painful.

5 Neighborhood Features That Boost Resale

Every homebuyer has a list of things that they are looking for in a property: number of bedrooms, walk-in closet, gourmet kitchen, or the size of the backyard. But more than the features of the house itself, the kind of neighborhood it is in should be on top of your list.
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