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Realty and Tourist News: Chicago Ranks Highest Among Tourist-Loving Cities

According to a new study from jet charter company Stratos, Chicago is on top of the list among tourist-loving cities in the U.S. In general, the Midwest region comes out as the friendliest region in the U.S., with Illinois coming in the top spot for states, and Chicago ranking the highest among individual cities.

Home Buying: Pros and Cons of Buying A House; How Ready Are You

Are you hanging on a balance, confused, and repeating the same conversations in your head on whether you should buy a house?

Jeremy Roenick Net Worth: Hockey Legend Rents Out Unsold Arizona Mansion

Hockey living legend Jeremy Roenick could not sell his house in Scottsdale, Arizona so he is trying a different approach: For $30,000 a month, he will be glad to rent out his home.
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