Buy & Sell

US Realty: America's Top 5 Coziest Cities Revealed

Coziness reigns supreme in Asheville, North Carolina, according to a new report sponsored by the makers of Honeywell Heaters. The manufacturer collaborated with environmental health scientist, Dr. Ted Myatt, ScD to search for these coziest cities in the United States.

Home Selling: 3 Things to Check Before Listing Your House on the Real Estate Market

Every home seller hopes to get the most out of the house they put up on the real estate market. However, there are certain things you need to check before listing it for sale in order to ensure that you can get your house sold quickly and if possible, at the maximum selling price.

Home Selling: How Can Location Affect the House Value?

Location is primarily one of the major factors that affect a house’s value in the real estate market. How do you know if your house’s location can increase or decrease its value?
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