
Miami Beach Approved Portman Holdings’ Proposal to Construct a Big Convention Center Hotel

Portman Holdings, an Atlanta-based architecture and real estate development company, plans on building a 300-foot tall, 800-room Convention Center Hotel in Miami Beach

Real Estate 101: Who Regulates Real Estate Agents?

Since real estate agents are independent contractors, one might think that they can do whatever they want while landing their clients. However, informing yourself with several regulations imposed by the State to delimit their means of operations might help you rid yourself of scams or unethical behaviors committed by these real estate agents.

Google Nexus 5 (2015) 'LG Bullhead' Nexus 6 (2015) 'Huawei Angler' Update: Specs to Challenge Huawei Ascend, OnePlus Devices in October?

Google will be releasing two new Nexus devices, the Nexus 5 (2015) otherwise known as the "LG Bullhead", and the Nexus 6 successor also known as the "Huawei Angler"
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