Finance & Mortgage

Vancouver Benchmark House Prices Up 30% in a Year

House prices in Canada just keeps getting higher and higher, and as previously reported here on Realty Today, some even opted to purchase a house with friends to get their foot on the market.

Real Estate News: Millennials are Moving to the Suburbs

Millennials comprise the majority of would-be homebuyers, which is why several companies are on the look out for buyers coming from this generation. A recent report shows, however, that millennials are no longer choosing to live in main cities and are instead moving to the suburbs. What are the implications of their move?

Would Investing in Portland Real Estate Be a Good Idea?

There are many factors to consider when deciding on investing in real estate. There is the matter of mortgage rate, interest rates, local economies as well as real estate prices. Now, being in a borderless economy, even international trade and political views affect market fluctuations.
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