Finance & Mortgage

China’s Real Estate Industry Grows 9.1%

Real estate sector is one of the key drivers in China's economic growth and its recent gains contributed to an increase in the country's economy in the first quarter of 2016.

Higher Priced Homes Mean More In Tech Hotbeds

This is very evident in the Bay Area, specifically the San Jose Metro area. Tech households paid on average $8,889 in property taxes compared to $6,003 for non-tech households. In the San Francisco Bay area, tech households paid $7,531 while non tech households paid $5,606.

Mortgage Applications Increase as Interest Rates are Close to its Lowest in Three Years

Spring home buying has officially begun and all signs are pointing towards busy months ahead for the real estate market. While weather conditions are one of the factors, which make spring as the most ideal time for buying a house, it turns out more Americans are looking for a home in the market because of the lowered mortgage rates.
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