Finance & Mortgage

First-time Buyers Wait Longer To Afford Own Home, According To Zillow

Even Millenials Are Still Living In Their Parents' Homes. Real estate research firm Zillow updated a recent study regarding the reasons behind young Americans falling behind in the home ownership race.

Stock Exchange on World's Wealthiest: Mark Zuckerbeg, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Larry Page and Others Suffered a Collective Loss of $182 Billion

A collective loss in stock exchange affected the world's wealthiest 400 people. Mark Zuckerbeg, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Larry Page and others suffered a collective loss of $182 Billion

Foreclosure Start Spike In Florida After Months Of Decline

It is almost a year that the rate of foreclosure has gone down every month. But new foreclosure starts to spike up in Florida in July.
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