Finance & Mortgage

Home-buying Tips: How to Handle a Car Lease When you Want to Apply For A Mortgage Loan

Applying for another loan apart from an existing car lease can hinder anyone from acquiring the home of their dreams. But if you are determined to apply for a mortgage, check out your chances with these tips.

Real Estate Buying Tips: How to Buy A Vacation Home with Family or Friends

Buying a vacation home is one great investment for people who loves to travel. But what if you and your friends are planning to chip in overall to buy the property? Sounds like chaos? Learn the tipson how you can go smoothly on this deal.

QIC Global Real Estate Sells 27-Storey Tower to Singapore for $159 Million

QIC Global Real Estate has multiplied its money in under three years by offering an office tower sitting in front of Brisbane's new Queens Wharf casino area for $159 million.
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