
Dining Room Decorating Ideas

Whether you've got a mansion or a condo unit, dining rooms should not go neglected as it can contribute so much to your home's overall interior design. Not to mention, this is where your guests are most likely to stay if you have prepared food for them. So, if possible, make the dining room as appealing as possible. It's not that difficult, all you need is a creative mind and the will to work from that.

'House of Cards' Mystery Solved: 'Kevin Spacey' Reveals Who 'Frank Underwood' Talks to in Front of Camera

Kevin Spacey reveals to Stephen Colbert who Frank Underwood talks to when he faces that camera. For three seasons, Frank Underwood has always amused fans with his thoughts.

Get President Obama's Favorite Martha's Vineyard Vacation Home for $22.5M

President Obama's favorite vacation home is for sale at $22.5 million. For the price, the buyers get a majestic view, state-of-the-art amenities, and priceless exclusivity.
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