
3 Mistakes Home Renters Should Avoid

Majority of people prefer renting than owning a home because it usually entails less responsibilities on the part of the tenant. However, there are still some mistakes that renters sometimes make, which could end up to them losing hundreds to thousands of dollars in the end.

Real Estate Investment: Which Cities in US Are Best for Short-Term Rentals Like Airbnb?

More homeowners are realizing the importance of investing in real estate as a means of adding extra income. However, a real estate investment, much like any other kind of investment, also has its own risks. If you are keen on entering the short-term rental market such as listing your property on Airbnb, which cities in the U.S. pose the less risk for investors?

House Selling Tips: Which Colors Help Sell a Home Faster?

Your home is a wonderful place for you to go all out and unleash your creative side. However, when the time comes for you to sell your house, not all buyers may grow to love your home as much as you did. Which colors help sell a home faster and which ones deter buyers from choosing your house?
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