
Austin Real Estate News: Mueller Affordable Homes Program in Jeopardy Due to Increasing Appraisals

Owners of Mueller Affordable Homes, together with affordable homes advocates and their attorney has appeared before the Travis Central Appraisal District Board of Directors to seek clarifications about the recent appraisal spike to affordable homes in northeast Austin development.

Texas Real Estate: Brazos Mall Bought by Centennial Real Estate Company

Brazos Mall, a 680,951-square-foot enclosed mall in Lake Jackson, Texas, was bought on an off-market acquisition by the Dallas-based Centennial Real Estate Company, in partnership with the Atlantic Creek Real Estate Partners, LLC ("Atlantic Creek") and The North Shore Properties Group, LLC.

Netflix Hopes to Make Bollywood Shows and Anime Shows in the Future

Netflix's CEO, Reed Hastings, has announced the desire of the company to produce more unique programming content that is not presently being served by other production companies.
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