
Frank Lloyd Wright-Inspired Home Renovated and Available on the Market for $879k

In the field of Architecture and Interior Design, one of the vested names in the field is Frank Lloyd Wright. One home inspired by Wright's design is now for sale and available on the market for $879,000.

World's Priciest Home vs. America's Most Expensive Mansion: A Comparison

As compared to the cost of the most costly home in America, is nothing than the Le Palais Royal, which is at a price that was lately raised to a wallet-pounding $159 million. The beautiful property in Hillsboro Beach, FL, initially hit the business sector in September 2014 for a moderately humble price of $139 million.

Real Estate Tips: How to Survive in an Economy Threatened by Interest Hikes

In December 2015, the Federal Reserve has announced revealed that it will be increasing interest rates after almost 10 years. This definitely causes a big effect on your finances so you need to know a few rules to survive such an economy.
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