
7 Things in Your Home That Are Worth the Splurge

Got extra cash? Upgrade some items in your home that are worth your buck. Here's a list of household items that deserve an upgrade. If you have extra cash, splurging on these things will give you more comfort and convenience--two things that mean money well spent.

Atlanta Real Estate: Two Sentenced to Federal Prison for $5 Million Real Estate Ponzi Scheme

Charles Wooden and Hendrickx H. Toussaint of Georgia have been sentenced to federal prison for perpetuating and operating a real state Ponzi scheme that swindled almost $5 million from out-of-state and foreign investors.

Canadian Investors Taking Over Manhattan Real Estate, Reaches a Record High for Real Estate Purchases

Canadian real estate investors and developers are taking over most of the real estate deals in Manhattan, overtaking other foreign investors such as the Chinese and the Russians.
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