
5 Steps To Pay Off Your Mortgage Sooner

More than ever, now is the best time for Aussies to start coming up with ways to achieving mortgage-free days, Yahoo Finance reports.

Practical Guides in Selling a Home in 2016

Selling a home in 2016 is a challenging thing to do, especially if you have no experience regarding such dealing. There are many things you need to learn, especially this New Year. If you expect to have a smooth sailing deal this 2016 then you better be prepared

Know When To Believe Real Estate Agents on Getting A Great Deal

Real estate agents are known to know their way around people and convince them to buy a house that's priced over its worth - which makes it difficult for home buyers or home sellers to trust agents on their word. In fact, real estate agents typically employ the use of "bargain," "undervalued" and "deal" to lure people into buying or selling a home. But apparently, these words don't really mean much to almost half of the 100 largest U.S. metros.
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