
Microsoft to 'Resurrect' Xbox' Greatness

Xbox One was expected to a better version of the Xbox 360 that gamers have grown to love, but fans raged when Microsoft seemed to have forgotten why they came up with a newer version of the console.

'Clash Of Clans' Update, News, Features: Personal Break Limit Extensions Increased, Christmas Tree Is Spawning

The latest COC (Clash of Clans) update addressed the issued associated with the loot situation. On December 17, COC will have a maintenance break to begin the hotfix changes. Here are the Clash of Clan fixes included in the recent update:

Azalea Banks Net Worth: 'Chasing Time' Singer Gets Arrested For Biting Security Guard's Breast

Azealia Banks was arrested on Wednesday, just outside of a Manhattan nightclub. Reports claim that the "Chasing Time" rapper bit and punched a female security guard after being denied entry because they didn't recognize who she was.
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