
Google Creates a Cool 3D Web Game for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens'; ‘Lightsaber Escape’ Plays and Synchronize on Smartphones

Google created a cool web game for Star Wars, the "Light Saber Escape." It has 3D graphics made by WebGL and accurately synced by WebRTC and WebSockets.

Real Estate News: Teleworkers Increase to 3.7 Million; More US Homes Renovated to Build a Workplace

Telework increase to 3.7 million. Home reconstruction demand rises for a better workplace. Telework opportunities have increased as technology continues to innovate year after year.

Real Estate News: Chambers Street Properties Merges with Gramercy Property Trust, Inc.

Chambers Street Properties has merged with Gramercy Property Trust, Inc., creating the largest industrial and office net lease real estate investment trust, with an enterprise value of approximately $5.8 billion.
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