
‘Outlander’ Season 2 Spoilers: Sam Heughan Constantly Communicates with Diana Gabaldon; Author Talks About Rape Scene

“Outlander” Season 2 is only months away from its return to the small screens and fans will finally see what happens next to Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall following the events from the first season of the Starz time traveler series. As we are getting closer to the show’s season 2 premiere, author Diana Gabaldon recently spoke about the events that will take place in the upcoming season and shared her thoughts on Jamie and Black Jack Randall’s rape scene.

Real Estate Developer St. Joe Co. Charged for Improper Accounting of Residential Value

Former top executives and two former accounting department directors of Florida- based real estate developer and landowner St. Joe Company was charged by Securities and Exchange Commission for "improperly accounting for the declining value of of its residential real estate developments during the financial crisis."

Real Estate News: Legend Fred Sands Dies at 77

Real estate legend Fred Sands died at 77 on Friday. His death is sudden, as he suffered a stroke in his travel to Boston. Sands is survived by his wife Carla, son Jonathan, daughter Alexandra, and brother William.