
Open House Apps for Realtors and iPad Stand Ideas for Open House

Effective Open House Apps and iPad Stands for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents and realtors can use open house apps that can help realtors in planning, staging, and executing a successful open house. Here are some of the best open house apps for realtors.
Hand Sanitizer Ideas for a Safer House-Showing

Non-Contact Hand Sanitizer Dispensing Ideas for a Safer House-Showing

Given that we are dealing with an unseen enemy and we should prevent the transfer of the virus as much as possible, it wouldn’t hurt if we use a non-contact hand sanitizer to take our health safety measures a notch higher.
How to Properly Maintain Wallpaper

How to Properly Maintain Wallpaper Plus Natural Wood and Stone-Themed Wallpaper Ideas

Wallpapers keep your space looking cheery and vibrant, and simple maintenance can keep it that way for a long time. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts when caring for your wallpapers.