housing market

Housing Market Cools In AU but Residental Construction May Peak Next Year

In Australia, financial regulators made a campaign to take the heat out of property investment and it seems to have paid off as investor mortgages tumble by 8.5 per cent, the largest fall in seven years.

Real Estate Housing Market: Increasing National Market Sales Came From Millenials

The housing market is experiencing a millenials invasion - and it's the good kind, Standard Times reports.

Can the Two-Child Policy Really Stimulate the Chinese Real Estate?

If all goes well as projected, with the two-child policy in place China could be seeing more demand in housing.

Pending Home Sales in Minneapolis is Outperforming the Number of New Listings

Pending home sales in Minneapolis has risen higher outmatching the recorded slight increase of new listings in the housing market.

The Intricate Connection of Housing Market to Economy and Their Mutual Exchange

The housing market could be a confusing market especially for starters. There are so many things and factors to consider which would eventually affect your business or transaction in the process.

Realty Hot Report: Seattle Has the Nation's Hottest Housing Market

If you have tried to buy or sell a home in Seattle recently, then you should know that you have been trying to do it in the nation’s hottest real estate market for single-family homes. A report recently ranked Seattle this Fall as the hottest housing market for single-family homes.

Real Estate News: Presidential Candidates Should Be Talking About Housing

Presidential candidates are talking about turmoil in the Middle East, Russia, China, immigration, gun control, and jobs. But all of them, with the exception of Jeb Bush who plans to put a cap on mortgage interest deductions, didn’t talk about housing.

Analysts Say 'Don't Trust the Housing Market Recovery'

The U.S. housing market has been experiencing great business for the past few months as the country is being able to recover during the post- financial- crisis- era. However, analysts say that people should never put their full trust on the on- going recovery.

Housing Crisis in Denver Caused by Cannabis Industry

Hoousing prices continue to rise in the city as more people and entrepreneur decide to move into the city because of the cannabis industry which pushes home prices higher than what the locals can afford.

South Sound Real Estate Group Recovers from Housing Market Slowdown

Northwest Multiple Listing Service data released a report showing that South Sound real estate group has been recovering from August's cool down in the housing market.

5 Best Global Areas for Housing Market Invesment

In choosing top global areas that would be fitting for housing market investments, experts considered a mixture of "population growth, rising wealth and limited housing supply."

Housing Prices Continue to Rise Leaving People Angry and Making Homes Impossible to Afford

Housing prices are still continuing to hike up making it harder for aspiring home owners to purchase their own property. As interest rates rise, so do home prices.

Real Estate News: Mortgage Rate Update

Mortgage rates for 30-year fixed mortgages rose this week, with the current borrowers rate at 3.75 percent, up one basis point from last week.

How To Know If Your Housing Market is Under or Overvalued?

Housing has lawful and acceptable values in the real estate market. But these days, it usually goes overvalued rather than undervalued.

The Cabrini Residents and Chicago Housing Authority Lawsuit Has Ended with an Agreement

Chicago Housing Authority and a tenant organization representing Cabrini-Green low-income residents filed an agreement last week that will allow hundreds of public housing units to be built on the Near North Side and will development projects available to use throughout the entire area.

Investors Try Their Luck with New Homes for Rentals

Investors are now turning their heads for buying foreclosure properties and making them into single- family rentals.

Portland Realtors Unwelcome Redecoration in its Local Real Estate Signs; ‘No Californians’ Stickers Stuck On It

Some Portland realtors may have seen some unwelcome redecoration in its local real estate signs. A "No Californians" stickers are stuck on the for sale sign by some locals as a sort of protest to Californians who migrate to Portland

Sweden to Cool Housing Market with Mandatory Mortgage Plan

FSA given mandate to require payment of principal amounts in new mortgage loans. The coalition government of Sweden reached an agreement on a proposal that would require homeowners to pay off principal amount on new mortgages.

"Cheap" Apartments in Perth Attract Foreign Buyers

Foreign buyers are getting up to 40 per cent of stock in the city’s new apartment constructions and the Concerto complex in East Perth has become the most sought after in Perth.

Rent Control Essential for Future of the City of New York

According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Manhattan has a bigger share of renters compared with central London and most cities all over the world

U.S Housing is Expected Not to be Affected by Rising Rates

Economists believe that U.S housing recovery will not be affected by rising housing rates due to progress in job market and housing formations.