real estate

5 Ideas to Make Your Home Fresh and New

Aging does not only mean something for people, it also affects your home. How can you maintain the beauty of your home's polished surroundings and glossy built?

California Real Estate News: $18M Refinancing Loan for Long Beach Town Square Arranged by Venture West Funding, Inc

The $18 million loan for the refinancing of the Long Beach Town Square shopping center in 2100 E Carson Street, Long Beach, California, was announced to be arranged by California-based mortgage company, Venture West Funding, Inc.

National Land Realty Expands Footprint in Arkansas, Louisiana and Memphis

The National Land Realty, a full-service land brokerage company, is expanding its footprint into the Arkansas, Louisiana and Memphis areas, through the merger of a brokerage being managed by Jeramy Stephens.

Prestige Healthcare Management Group Partners with Venture Capital Firm to Finance Expansions

Prestige Healthcare Management Group, a medical management company that acquires and manages medical related real estate investments, has recently signed a strategic partnership with an investment firm for the expansion of its business scope.

What to Do If You Are Losing Thousands of Dollars from Work Relocation

Some employees who get relocated for work incur financial losses due to the transfer. Here are some ways to deal with thousands of shortfalls.

3 Things to Consider When Buying a New Home for the Family

Buying a new home for the family is one of the most exciting milestones in life. However, finding one that fits your needs and wants can be difficult and challenging. Here are three things you need to consider when buying a new family home.

Top Happiest and Unhappiest States in America

America has its own way of guessing whether you are happy or not according to the level of contentment that your place has. Reports even say that the "best practices" in a certain place can improve the quality of your life in one way or another.

Who Can Really Afford London?

If you can't afford living in Europe, who else could? May you be a millionaire or just a random businessman, if you are worth your salt to invest a good life in Europe, you definitely can, even if you are an Asian.

What is the Real Score Between NY Mayor and the Real Estate?

Is there a rift between NY real estate and NY mayor? Find out here. Amid varied criticisms, destructive or not, speculations on what really is the current relationship of New York mayor, Bill de Blasio, with the NY real estate have risen up.

What Collateral Damage Winter Storm Jonas Caused

Winter Storm Jonas that hit the East Coast of Washington last January can affect the real estate industry of the country, reports say.

Oregon Real Estate News: Springville Oaks Apartments in Portland Acquired by The Praedium Group

The Class "A," 112-unit Springville Oaks Apartments in Portland, Oregon, has been recently acquired by the New York City-based national real estate investment firm, The Praedium Group.

Powerball Jackpot 2016: Buy Mansions If You Win

The Powerball jackpot has currently reached a record-breaking, whopping $1.3 billion. There's probably one question on your mind that, if you're one of the countless Americans who snatched up tickets, how will you spend all the money?

Why On Earth Can't I Sell My Home?

Wondering why you just can't sell your house? Find out here. The fast pace economy in the world may have given you the drive to join the real estate mainstream.

Rent the Bronx Castle Originally Built to Welcome Jesus

Chapel Hill Mansion sits atop the Bronx's highest point. It was built way back in 1928 by a religious order, for Jesus Christ to live in when he returned to life. The castle was sold and disbanded by the order in 1958, and it took 10 years for the current owner to renovate the 15,000-square-foot property. Contractors of Plaza Hotel and the Vatican's mosaic going upstairs constructed the ceilings.

Paul Giamatti Sells Brooklyn Heights Co-op Share to Ex-wife

Paul Giamatti sold his co-op share in Brooklyn Heights to his ex-wife, Elizabeth Giamatti, for $1.1 million, as per documents filed in the city’s Department of Finance.

What’s Inside Miami’s Newest Luxury Penthouse?

Despite the reports of a residential market slow down in Miami, the Magic City’s luxury real estate sector is still quite promising with the latest addition of a grand penthouse at the two-tower Grand Bay, which hit the market for $28 million.

How to Sell the Worst Home in the Best Neighborhood Through Reverse Psychology

A real estate company in California is just so honest about the house it’s offering by showing all the negative images of the property.

Naomi Watts Shares Experience with New York's Real Estate

Even Celebrities like Naomi Watts and longtime partner Liev Schreiber are not immune to the downside of New York's real estate.

Home Values in Australian Markets Expected to Fall as Overseas Investments Slow Down

Declining property investment and foreign buyer activities pose a threat to the Australian housing markets.

Miniature Model Makers Give Melbourne A Bird's-Eye View of Real Estate Structures

Malcolm Maguire and his team are scoring big in Melbourne's real estate market with their scale creations.

Minnesota Homes for Sale: Lake Minnetonka Home with Crystal Bay View Listed for $2.59M

A lovely home, with view of the Crystal Bay, in Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota is selling for $2.59 million.