US Mortgage Rates

Higher Interest Rates May Be Bad for Borrowers but Good for the Nation

Whereas property prices fell steeply during the subprime mortgage crisis as an impact of the global financial crisis, increasing interest rates may be a good thing as an indication of economic recovery.

Real Estate 2015: Building Permits Rise in spite of Home Slump in May, Stronger Job Market

The real estate sector still looks promising. While fewer homes are built this May, the tempo of construction continues to be significantly higher compared last year ago representing a stronger job market in the real estate sector.

Mortgage Rate Rises to 3.80 Percent, Freddie Mac Survey Reveals

The mortgage rates based on Freddie Mac survey are significantly higher than last week's rates.

Mortgage Rates Increased, Says Freddie Mac Survey

Mortgage rates slightly increased this week according to the recent Freddie Mac survey. According to the recent Freddie Mac survey of lenders published on Thursday, mortgage rates increased slightly, the Los Angeles Times reported.

US Mortgage Rate Goes Down, Still Within Historic Lows

The current average mortgage rates slip a bit from last week, and remain below 4.0 % despite the onset of the spring selling season.

Spring 2015: Home Buyers Should Take Advantage of Low Mortgage, Says Economist

The real estate market across the country bristled with reinvigorated sense of energy brought about by the coming season. They are taking advantage of the more aggressive spring home buyers this 2015. And, almost on cue, the home sale for newly built house and re-sales have gone up recently as reported by the

Mortgage Rates Drop as Home Sales Improve, Freddie Mac Survey Reveals

Freddie Mac Survey reported a drop in mortgage rates and that buyers take advantage of these rates before the actual spring selling season.

Highest Mortgage Rates of 2015 Sees Mortgage Application Drop

The average contract interest rate for fixed-rate mortgages with conforming loan balances, equivalent to $417,000 at the maximum, has soared higher to about 4.01 percent.

Mortgage Rates Racism: Approval Higher for White Than Black & Hispanic Says Study

As if the loan approval game isn’t fraught with long odds enough, a recent Zillow study has shown that race or ethnicity contributes to whether one’s home loan application will be rubber-stamped or not.

US Mortgage Rates Move Above 4 Percent

Mortgage rates in the United States inched up a little over 4 percent for the week ended Oct. 6, marking the second consecutive week of increases, according to Freddie Mac's latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey.

US Mortgage Rates Tick Up but Remain Below 4 Percent

Mortgage rates in the U.S. went up for the week ended October 30, 2014 rebounding from the record low it reached last week, according to Freddie Mac's weekly Primary Mortgage Market Survey.

US Mortgage Rates Inch Down; Fall to Lowest Since July 2013

Mortgage rates across the U.S. dipped to a new low for the week ended Thursday to reach its lowest since July 2013, according to the weekly results of Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey.

US Mortgage Rates Fall to 14-Month Low - Freddie Mac

Mortgage rates in the United States fell to a 14-month low for the week ended Oct. 16, according to Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS).

US Mortgage Rates Hit 2014 Lowest This Week

Mortgage rates in the United States hit 2014's lowest level for the week ended Oct. 8, according to Freddie Mac's latest primary mortgage market survey.

More US Homes Regain Positive Equity in Second Quarter

More homeowners in the United States were able to take control of their mortgage payments in the second quarter of the 2014, according to CoreLogic's latest home equity report.

US Mortgage Rates Inch Down After Rising Last Week

Mortgage rates in the United States slid down slightly this week after it rose to its highest since May 2014 last week, according to Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Survey Index.

US Mortgage Rates at Their Highest Since May 2014

Mortgage rates in the U.S. rose to their highest since May 1, 2014 this week after holding steady at record lows in the past few weeks, the latest results of Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey revealed.

US Mortgage Rates Inch Up Slightly, While Applications Hit New Lows

Mortgage rates in the United States inched up slightly in the week ended Sept. 10, 2014, according to Freddie Mac's weekly primary mortgage market survey. But, mortgage applications declined to their lowest since December 2000.

US Mortgage Rates Barely Changed This Week: Freddie Mac

U.S. mortgage rates barely reflected any change this week, according to Freddie Mac's weekly mortgage market survey.

US Mortgage Applications Rise on Low Rates

Mortgage applications in the United States rose this week as home loan interest rates remained at record lows, according to the Mortgage Banking Association's (MBA) weekly applications report.

US Mortgage Rates Hold Steady at Record Lows

U.S. mortgage rates remained unchanged this week, holding steady at the record lows it reached last week, according to Freddie Mac's weekly survey.