US Mortgage Rates

US Mortgage Rates Fall for Second Consecutive Week

Fixed mortgage rates in the U.S. inched down for the second consecutive week reaching new lows, according to Freddie Mac’s weekly primary mortgage market survey.

US Mortgage Rates Reach 2014 Low – Freddie Mac Survey

Mortgage rates in the United States slid to reach their lowest in 2014 this week as lighter economic reports pushed bond yields lower, according to Freddie Mac, the government-backed lending giant’s, latest weekly mortgage survey.

US Mortgage Rates Tick Up After Two Weeks on Steady Economic Growth

Mortgage rates in the U.S. edged up slightly this week on positive economic reports after remaining flat for about two weeks, according to Freddie Mac's latest primary mortgage market survey.

US Housing Market: Is the Slowdown Good for Buyers?

The U.S. housing market has been showing evident signs of a slowdown - sales have been low, prices have been stumpy and foreclosures have been 186 percent above the peak time before the market crash. Is this something to worry about? How can the slowdown affect home buyers?

US Mortgage Rates Remain Unchanged for Second Week

U.S. mortgage rates hardly changed for the second consecutive week ended Thursday July 31, according to the latest results of the weekly primary mortgage market survey conducted by Freddie Mac, the government backed lending giant.

US Mortgage rates Remain Unchanged at Record Lows

Mortgage rates in the U.S. for the week ended Thursday, July 24 remained relatively flat, according to the latest mortgage index survey by Freddie Mac, the government backed lending giant. Rates held steady at record lows boosting affordability for potential home buyers.

US Mortgage Rates Inch Down to Remain at Record Lows

Mortgage rates in the U.S. inched down a little this week on "light economic reports", according to Freddie Mac, the government-backed lending giant's weekly interest rates survey.

Average U.S. Mortgage Rates Decline after Rising for two Consecutive Weeks

The average mortgage interest rates in the U.S. fell after rising for two consecutive weeks with fixed rates declining lower than the figures recorded at the same time last year, according to Freddie Mac - the government-backed lending giant's weekly survey.

U.S. Housing Recovery Has Got Catching Up to Do, Says Fannie Mae

After a depressing first few months of 2014, the housing market is finally picking up pace. However, the growth will be slow and the figures will barely manage to catch up with last year's numbers, Fannie Mae announced in its June economic forecast report.

Fixed Mortgage Rates Rise for Second Week

Fixed mortgage rates in the United States went up for the second consecutive week after the country posted good job data and better treasury yields, Freddie Mac - the government backed lending giant - announced Thursday.

US Average Fixed Mortgage Rates Rise after Six Weeks

After six consecutive weeks of decline, the average fixed mortgage rates rose in the first week of June, according to Freddie Mac, the government backed mortgage giant’s weekly survey.

US Mortgage Rates Decline for Fifth Straight Week

Average mortgage rates in the United States inched down, declining for the fifth straight week, Freddie Mac - the government-backed mortgage giant - announced Thursday.

US Mortgage Applications Inch Up 3.6 percent as Interest Rates Hit Record Low

The number of home loan applications went up 3.6 percent this week as mortgage rates hit record lows, according to the Mortgage Banking Association.

Fixed mortgage rates hit lowest level in 2014

The average fixed mortgage rates in the U.S. fell to a new low this week, driving down borrowing costs. This week’s rates are the lowest since January 2014, according to Freddie Mac’s latest mortgage survey.

US average fixed mortgage rates increase to 4.33 percent on soft housing market data

The average long term fixed mortgage rates went up this week as the housing market slowed down a little. The average 30-year interest rates went up to reach 4.33 percent from the 4.27 last week, according to Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS).

U.S. average 30-year-fixed mortgage rates reach two-month high at 4.4 percent

The average 30-year fixed mortgage rates in the United States spiked to reach a two-month high since January at 4.4 percent, Freddie Mac, the government-backed lending giant, announced Thursday.

Fixed mortgage rates fall but could shoot up in coming weeks

The average fixed mortgage interest rates in the United States fell over the past week, according to figures released Thursday by government-backed mortgage giant Freddie Mac.

U.S. New Home Sales Post Modest Drop in November but Mapping Steady Growth

In a latest report released by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), it was revealed that the sales of newly-built single family homes fell slightly in November. However, experts say that the pace of sales is steady and is a reflection of a strengthening market and economy.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Raising Mortgage Guarantee Fees

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government backed mortgage lending giants have announced that they will be raising loan guarantee fees by an average of 10 points or one-tenth of a percent starting March 2014, according to several news reports. The move comes in an effort to allow private lenders compete in the housing loan market.

U.S. Home Sales Fell in October on Limited Supply, High Mortgage Rates and Partial Govt. Shut-Down

Sales of existing homes in the U.S. fell 3.2 percent on a month on month basis due to a tight inventory supply, high mortgage rates and the 16-day partial government shutdown, according to a latest report by the National Association of Realtors.

U.S. Housing Affordability Declines as Mortgage Rates and Home Prices Spike: NAHB

According to a recent report by the National Association of the Home Builders (NAHB), housing affordability declined across the U.S. in the third quarter of 2013 as home prices soared and interest rates jumped.