‘Mr. Robot’ TV Series Will Be Available For Streaming Exclusively on Amazon Prime Video

"Mr. Robot" streaming rights was nabbed by Amazon and scores one over Netflix and Hulu.

"Mr. Robot" is one of the best new television series launched in summer and in a bid to steal a hit show from streaming rivals Netflix and Hulu, Amazon scrambled and has managed to lock exclusive rights for the hacker drama. According to The Verge, Amazon has issued a statement announcing that at the start of spring, subscription streaming for "Mr. Robot" will be only be available exclusively in Amazon Prime Video. It was noted though that the show can still be bought digitally from iTunes and other sites. The company also revealed that the first season of the series will roll out on its service in the U.K., Germany, Austria, and Japan.

In the same report by The Verge, "Mr. Robot" had an initial run of 10 episodes which ranked high in TV series viewership making it a runaway hit that Amazon immediately worked on to acquire. Aside from having a hit series in its stable of shows, the company also fended off its rivals in the streaming business. The show ranked second to "Fear the Walking Dead" as the most watched new cable TV series in summer and Brad Beele, vice president of video content acquisition for Amazon said, "Prime members are going to love binging on this awesome show."

In a post by Endgadget, "Mr. Robot" will also be exclusively aired in the U.K. which will be the first time the show lands in English shores legally. Amazon has experienced little success in its attempt to bring original shows to viewers with only "Transparent" making a mark. However, the recent agreement between Top Gear's hosts and producers plus the acquisition of "Mr. Robot" will surely make Amazon a contender in the battle for streaming supremacy.

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