‘God Eater Resurrection’ Video Game Updates: 'Bandai Namco' Releases New Trailer to Demonstrate New Gameplay Mechanic Called Predator Style

Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for the "God Eater Resurrection" video game. The trailer demonstrates the predator style gameplay.

Geeksnack reports that Bandai Namco's new entry for its "God Eater" series is the "God Eater Resurrection" video game. This will be launched soon in Japan for PlayStation console.

Report says that the new video game is not a simple remake of the series' first entry. It is promised that the "God Eater Resurrection" will come with tons of new features that are obviously not included in the original PSP game. One of these features has already been shared by Bandai Namco.

As seen in the trailer, the new series of "God Eater" focuses on the Predator style. It is one of the many gameplay mechanics that are incorporated in this new video game. This feature will allow players "to perform new devour actions that will expand players' possibilities in the game."

If remembered, a new scan of "God Eater Resurrection" had circulated online. The said screenshots displayed not only older Aragami's new attacks but also the evolved enhancement system of the game.

So what are other things that fans could expect from this new series of "Game Eater?" According to the report, the "God Eater Resurrection" is a remake of the original ""God Eater Burst," which had been released sometime ago. But fans could expect a whole new level of the series when it comes to gameplay enhancement. It will also have a new story which is said to relate well with the sequel's game events. To add, Siliconera says that this new game will let the player "chomp enemies with your weapon while jumping or dashing." This adds excitements for the new version. In fact, the latest clip gives you insight of the new moves that get players "to pull off in the upcoming demo that will release on October 2. The demo will also feature various missions that you'll get to play while testing out the new Predator Style."

"God Eater Resurrection" will be released on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in Japan this month. However, there are no details if the new series of "God Eater" will be released in the western market.

What are your experiences so far in playing the "God Eater" series? Comment below.

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