"Destiny: The Taken King" was recently launched and a couple of things within its multi-player mode are said to return with a few changes.
"Destiny: The Taken King" is said to have the Iron Banner and is going live on Oct. 13; however, it will only last for about three days. Level advantages will be allowed, but Bungie is going to make adjustments in those damage curves to work with latest measurement techniques in place. In order to join in the said event, the players are told to have at least Light Level 230, VG247 reported.
"Destiny: The Taken King" winning matches are going to expect better drop rates, along with rewards including weapons and armor. Match rewards will be bought from the Lord Saladin yet will not cost Glimmer anymore, rather, Legendary Marks will be required now.
"Destiny: The Taken King" will have nine bounties available daily that gives Legendary Marks as the prizes. The tempering buffs are going to be instantly applied while the event is ongoing to become more effective every day, Forbes reported.
"Destiny: The Taken King" trials of Osiris shall follow on Oct. 16. The players, which are preferably at least at Light Level 290 are still going to fight in order to get nine wins before they lose three times with the activity level advantages. Matches will even be more, as this game will try to pit the teams with identical number of winnings against one another.
Buffs will have to be bought before a trial starts because they won't be added after the player begins. Get up to nine wins with no losses, and players will still be able to go to the Lighthouse--but there are no mentions, otherwise, the same loot will be produced.
"Destiny: The Taken King" dilemma was experienced after it was launched. And just like its first, an update was needed to fix bugs, resolve issues with spam, which involves Hammer of Sol, the players not gaining gear from Valus Ta'aurc and the chests are not providing loot.