'Star Wars: Battlefront' News: Four Multiplayer Modes Added but Not Available in Beta

The release of the all new "Star Wars: Battlefront" is fast approaching, and more details about its gameplay are being unveiled to the public. The most up-to-date news online revolves around its new multiplayer modes.

A month ago, updates about the Hero System leaked online, giving the public more information about the character and power of Luke Skywalker. Just this week, the game boasted a total of four new multiplayer modes. These include Blast, Droid Run, Cargo, and Supremacy. These four new players will be joining the previously announced multiplayer modes, namely Drop Zone, Fighter Squadron, Walker Assault, and Hero Battle.

During the hands-on game of IGN last Oct. 7, they noticed the new four multiplayer modes with the game's beta mode. These new multiplayer modes haven't announced anything yet, nor was there any other relevant information given to the public by the developer DICE. "Not available in Beta" was the only message they got, according to IGN.

There are a lot of reasons for you to get excited about this game. Even if there were only very few details revealed, DICE and Electronic Arts always has more awesome stuff to offer for this upcoming Star Wars title. Suffice it to say, gamers have more than enough reasons to buy this game.

IGN has also posted their first impressions of the game online based on the beta. The review is full of positive feedback and praises. Drop Zone mode was even highlighted as it allows the player to go on an 8 on 8 match, letting you catch more pods from the sky. What makes it more interesting than the other modes is that it makes the player feel much better and more productive as it contributes more to the win. Apart from that, this mode might not be considered as an epic one but it sure makes the gameplay even more fast-paced, according to IGN.

Based on the review, Drop Zone mode is going to steal the show, unless the other new multiplayer modes' offers will be as exciting and surprising. The new 'Star Wars: Battlefront' is expected to be available for PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One on the 17th of November.

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