The fifth episode of "The Flash" season 2 was chock-full of eye-opening surprises which paved the way for a much more thrilling episode 6, titled "Enter Zoom."
In "The Flash" season 2, episode 5 titled "The Darkness and the Light," a new waitress, Kendra Saunders (played by Ciara Renée), made her first appearance at Barry's team's beloved coffee shop. Hollywood Reporter wrote that Kendra has been lined up as Hawkgirl in the highly anticipated superhero TV series, "Legends of Tomorrow," which is scheduled to premiere in 2016.
In the beginning of episode 5, Kendra and Cisco were getting along well. She will later find out that Cisco belongs to Team Flash, which then leads to her revealing herself as a superhero as well. As for Cisco, he will finally unleash his powers to the whole team, thanks and in large part to Dr. Harrison Wells. Fans will finally be able to call him by his superhero name, "Vibe."
The fifth episode saw Linda Park meeting her equivalent on Earth-2, a Meta-Human called Dr. Light. In episode 6, Iris will reportedly take her to the STAR Labs where she is bound to take the cloak of Earth-2 Dr. Light and become a part of their team.
A preview of the upcoming episode was released on The CW's Youtube channel and it revealed that Barry (Grant Gustin) and the S.T.A.R. Labs have a plan to beat Zoom. Linda (Malese Jow) pretends as Dr. Light to ensnare Zoom. Joe (Jesse L. Martin) does not like the idea, while Cisco (Carlos Valdez) thinks it could work. With Barry's help, Linda tries to use Dr. Light's suit and act like she has superhero powers.
In the teaser, Linda is very scared when she finally faces Zoom, so there are speculations that Barry and the team's plan to lure Zoom to Earth 1 is successful.
"The Flash" season 2 episode 6 airs on Nov. 10, Tuesday on The CW.