"Luke Cage," an upcoming Netflix series, has announced the casting of Brazilian actress Sonia Braga to play Soledad Temple.
Braga, a three-time Golden Globe and one-time Emmy nominee, is set to play the mother of Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson), Comic Book Resources reported. Cheo Hodari Coker, the executive producer of "Luke Cage," said about Braga's casting: "When it came to finding someone who was both formidable yet possessed a light touch, Sonia was the perfect choice and has been a Godsend."
Jeph Loeb, the head of Marvel Television, said in a statement on Marvel's website: "A character as strong as Claire needs an equally powerful mother, and with Sonia we found the perfect actress to deliver the stellar performance we needed."
The "Kiss of the Spider Woman" star is a welcome addition to Marvel's Netflix series where she will join other formidable actresses like Dawson. The actor playing Luke Cage, Mike Cortel, is not new to critically-acclaimed movies either, having played roles in "Zero, Dark, Thirty" and "Million Dollar Baby." With such a line-up of actors, the series is shaping up to be a series to watch out for, according to EP Coker.
The characters of Luke Cage and Claire Temple were introduced in a couple of Netflix shows, "Daredevil" and "Jessica Jones," noted The Hollywood Reporter. Claire, a nurse, has become a recurring role in the said Marvel TV series. On the other hand, Luke's character was just recently introduced on the newly released Netflix series, "Jessica Jones."
In "Luke Cage," Claire is said to be playing Luke's love interest. However, production revealed that although Claire is a main stay in the upcoming series, she will still be regularly seen in the other Marvel Netflix series.
"Luke Cage" is said to premiere on Netflix in 2016.