"Dragon Ball Super Episode 24" has recently been aired. The latest installment showcases the fight of Goku and Frieza. Critic notes that the transformation of Goku as a Super Saiyan Blue in this series looks way cooler. Frieza, on the other hand, targets Son Goku's weakness in order to defeat him.
Attack of the Fanboy recaps the major events of "Dragon Ball Super Episode 24." It says that the latest episode marked the fight of Goku and Frieza. Both of them aimed to finish each other permanently.
Report notes that although the fight in "Dragon Ball Super Episode 24" lasted only in the first half, and the remaining half was devoted to a lot of talking. As for the fight, both fighters began in their base forms, which of course were pretty much expected.
The scenes were somehow similar to the Resurrection F. Perhaps, the only difference is that Frieza's despicably coward attitude was magnified in the "Dragon Ball Super Episode 24." Critic specifically described the Emperor of Space as a downright prick. This is because aside from being cowardly, he also "likes to fight dirty which makes things dangerous for anyone watching the fight."
However, it is expected that Frieza would play dirty. His goal is to finish off the super saiyan god. In DBS episode 24, the fight was dangerous to those who were watching it because Frieza had it in his mind to inflict pain to those who were closed to Goku's heart. As the Attack of the Fanboy put it, "Frieza knows Goku's true strength is caring for the people he loves most which are his friends and family."
So in the 24th installment of "Dragon Ball Super," it was obvious why Frieza's first energy blast was directed at Gohan and Krillin. He knew that Goku would rush to them to deflect the blast. The minute the super Saiyan go did it, Frieza caught him off guard and gave him a punch.
Episode 24 of DBS had nothing special in it. The "Dragon Ball" Resurrection F movie showcased better fight scenes because it is filled to the brim with all the actions. Vegeta still tried to help out in the anime series. The only difference though is that "Vegeta pretended to kiss Frieza's butt." Towards the end of the episode, Goku had transformed himself into Super Saiyan Blue. Critic says that his "the transformation looks cool here and the soundtrack fits the mood perfectly."
The next episode of "Dragon Ball Super" will be aired on Dec. 27, based on the report of the Franchise Herald. It is also anticipated based on the plot released that in this episode, Goku's new power will also provoke Frieza, and the Emperor of Space would also show his new form to the Super Saiyan god and other Z fighters.
What do you think of "Dragon Ball Super" episode 24? What is your prediction of the next installment? Share your opinions in the comment box below.