Doctor Strange in the comics has a lot of powers and abilities, but in his first appearance in the big screen what powers will he use to defeat evil?
As previously reported, Mads Mikkelsen will be playing the role of a main villain in Marvel's Doctor Strange, starring opposite Benedict Cumberbatch's Dr. Stephen Strange. According to previous report by Cinema Blend, Studio head Kevin Feige said, "Mads' character is a sorcerer who breaks off into his own sect. He believes that the Ancient One is just protecting her own power base and that the world may be better off if we were to allow some of these other things through."
So what powers will Doctor Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, use to defeat this main villain sorcerer? According to Cinema Blend's latest report, being a Master of the Mystic Arts, Doctor Strange can conjure powerful energy that can stop evil threats to our world. In addition to his natural abilities, he will be using artifacts from his arsenal in his battle against evil.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Feige went into detail about what magic fans can expect to see from Doctor Strange. "He can do a whole host of things, eventually," he said.
He continued, "He does cast spells, which in the comics have very sort of tongue-twisty fun names. We don't want to shy away from that, because that's what makes Doctor Strange Doctor Strange. He has a Cloak of Levitation that allows him to fly, but he doesn't fly like Superman or like Thor. It's almost got a consciousness of its own, this cloak, which, again, gives us a superhero with a red cape - which we've seen a few times - but allows us to do it in a wholly unique and wholly original way."
"He can create these mandalas of light that he can use as shields and he can use as sort of weapons. He can create portalas that will open before your eyes that he can step through and go to other places around the world. And frankly, even in this film, we'll only touch upon what a lot of his powers are."
It looks like Doctor Strange isn't someone you can easily mess with and his mystical powers will be seen in all its glory when Marvel's "Doctor Strange" comes to theaters in November 2016.
6 exclusive photos of @Marvel's mystical and magical #DoctorStrange:
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) December 28, 2015