"Daredevil" season 2 returns this 2016. The show will premiere the same date "Batman V Superman" will hit the theater. The second season promises to give a different storytelling approach that will hook its audience all the more.
Comic Book reports that the second season for Marvel Televisions' "Daredevil" will launched on the same date as Warner Bros. and DC's film for "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice." Netflix will show the former on March 25, 2016 which is also the same premiere date for the latter.
This isn't the first time that "Batman vs Superman" film has gone head to head with Marvel. The initial release date for the film was supposed to be on May 6, 2016. This was the same premiere release date for "Captain America: Civil War" by Marvel Studios. This was later moves to March 25, 2016.
When sources from Comic Book asked for a comment, Marvel TV was mum about it. However, Netflix said that there hasn't been an official announcement for the release date for "Daredevil" season 2. They hinted that it will be in the month of March.
Cinema Blend disagrees that neither would have a negative effect on the potential same release date for "Daredevil" and "Batman vs Superman." The report also states that those that wanted to watch "Daredevil Season 2" would have already subscribed to Netflix. Which will mean the only expense that they need to make is when they want to watch the movie by Warner Bros and DC.
On a financial point of view it is highly unlikely also that the move of the release date will be made if "Daredevil" was a movie. What this does is pitting Marvel and DC fans against each other for a healthy rivalry.
Design Trend shares Marvel TV's "Daredevil" Season 2 storytelling in light comparison to Season 1. With the addition of new characters such as The Punisher (Jon Bernthal) and Elektra played by Elodie Yung there is a faster storytelling pace. Opening with an action sequence viewers will quickly find out that The Punisher will be the antagonist for the series.
There will also be scenes that is said to be steamy with Elektra and also with Karen(Deborah Ann Woll). However, Elektra's character will be totally different from Jennifer Garner's portrayal in the 2003 "Daredevil" film. Viewers will also be compelled to measure up the character and moral convictions of The Punisher against Murdock's. Putting special emphasis on their methods of dealing with crime, where the former doesn't hesitate to kill with the use of guns while the latter uses his skills with an ideology of putting them behind bars.
What do you think about the release date of "Daredevil?" Share your thoughts in the comment box below.