Buy & Sell

4 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying a Home

4 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying a Home

For most people with money to invest and a moderate to low risk appetite, real estate, and in particular residential real estate, is an obvious choice. As populations grow and cities become unaffordable and over-crowded, people will continue to flock to the surrounding areas and suburbs to live, raise families and retire. But buying a home strictly for investment purposes is unrealistic for many people, especially in this economy.

"The One": Most Expensive Los Angeles Bel-Air House For Sale at $340 Million

After almost 8 years of construction, the most expensive Los Angeles house is now up in the market. Just when you thought the famous celebrity home stretch already has it all, Los Angeles once again wowed the real estate scene with the rise of an over-the-top home, which could be considered as the most expensive house in the US to date.
Effective Tips for Selling Homes in a Hurry

Effective Tips for Selling Homes in a Hurry

As anyone with experience in real estate can attest, homes don't always sell as quickly as homeowners and agents would like. There are a number of reasons many properties fail to sell in an expedient manner, with price, location and lack of visibility being chief among them.
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