Buy & Sell

Want to Sell Your Home Fast? These Digital Upgrades Might Do the Trick

Selling a home in the market entails that you put out your house’s best features and show the buyer why yours stands out among the others in the listing. If you are looking to sell your home fast, you may not only need to tend to your yard and stage your house, but you may also need to do some digital upgrades.

Real Estate News: Fewer Existing Homes Sold in February Despite Increase in Demand

Spring home buying is expected to begin anytime soon but a recent report shows that February was not a rosy month for the real estate market. Fewer existing homes were sold despite the increase in demand from buyers for more homes in the market.

House Buying Tips: Can You Still Get Your Earnest Money Back?

You may have finally set your sights on one property after scouring the real estate market looking for your dream home. The next thing to do is to secure a deal with the seller and that includes giving your earnest money. However, issues can arise, which may cause either you or the seller to back out of the deal. Can you still get your earnest money back?
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