Finance & Mortgage

How To Make Small Houses Stand Out in the Real Estate Market

The challenge of selling a small house is finding the right buyers who want to live the simple life-- a difficult client to search indeed. However, real estate businessmen give tips that in order to get ahead and be able to sell these homes, you would need the help of social media and internet to get it ou there.

Real Estate In India Is Heading For 50% Collapse In Prices

Real Estate in India begins to decline in the market. Ambit Capital shows that prices on real estate property have been waning by between 7% and 18% in India's urban cities over the past year.

One of Palm Beach's Old Houses in Miami is on Sale

One of the early cottages in Palm Beach, Florida, which was built in 1920, is on the market for $2.975 million, as reported by Curbed. The cottage is located at 357 Seabreeze Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida.
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