Finance & Mortgage

HSBC Settles Faulty Mortgage Lawsuit with FHFA for $550 Million

HSBC, the famous British banking giant, announced Friday that it has settled a faulty mortgage lawsuit with the U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) for $550 million after it was found guilty of selling shoddy home loans to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

US Mortgage Rates Inch Up Slightly, While Applications Hit New Lows

Mortgage rates in the United States inched up slightly in the week ended Sept. 10, 2014, according to Freddie Mac's weekly primary mortgage market survey. But, mortgage applications declined to their lowest since December 2000.

US Foreclosure Activity Up 7 Percent in August, RealtyTrac

Foreclosure activity in the United States ticked up seven percent in August, according to property intelligence firm's RealtyTrac's latest market report.
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