Finance & Mortgage

Average U.S. Mortgage Rates Decline after Rising for two Consecutive Weeks

The average mortgage interest rates in the U.S. fell after rising for two consecutive weeks with fixed rates declining lower than the figures recorded at the same time last year, according to Freddie Mac - the government-backed lending giant's weekly survey.

U.S. Housing Recovery Has Got Catching Up to Do, Says Fannie Mae

After a depressing first few months of 2014, the housing market is finally picking up pace. However, the growth will be slow and the figures will barely manage to catch up with last year's numbers, Fannie Mae announced in its June economic forecast report.

U.S. Existing Home Sales Picked Up in May

Existing home sales in the U.S. went up across all regions in May. There was improvement in inventory growth and slight price rise was also noticed - all indicating towards a better, stabilizing housing market.
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