Finance & Mortgage

US Mortgage Rates Fall for Second Consecutive Week

Fixed mortgage rates in the U.S. inched down for the second consecutive week reaching new lows, according to Freddie Mac’s weekly primary mortgage market survey.

Bank of America and US Justice Department Finally Settle Faulty Mortgage Lawsuit for $16.65 Billion

Bank of America and the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) announced Thursday that they have reached an agreement where the bank will pay $16.65 billion in penalties and consumer relief for selling shoddy mortgages that led to the financial downturn in 2007.

US All-Cash Home Sales Takes a Hit in Second Quarter, RealtyTrac

All-cash home sales in the U.S. declined in the second quarter of 2014, reaching its lowest level in three years as big players failed to find dream properties in the country, according to RealtyTrac's latest property report.
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