Finance & Mortgage

Quick and Easy Tips to Pay Off Your Student Loan and Other Debts

If everyone lived in a perfect kind of world, then it would be a place wherein no one owes anyone anything. However, reality dictates that at some point in your life, you will incur some kind of debt in one way or another, but this does not mean you have to spend the rest of your life paying it off. Here are some quick and easy tips to pay off your student loan and other debts:

Is Your Mortgage Not Listed in Your Credit Report?

Mortgage payments help build good credit, but oftentimes, many homeowners fail to check their credit reports on a regular basis. If you happen to see that your mortgage payments are not listed in your credit report, here are some reasons for that:

Vancouver Leads Global Luxury Real Estate Market Rise

Vancouver was dubbed as the top performing city worldwide according to a new report into the 2015 global luxury real estate market. In a top 100 list that included San Francisco, Monaco and Shanghai, Vancouver was the clear leader, with prices rising to 24.5 percent last year.
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